Tips for More Meaningful Conversations
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Having more meaningful relationships with friends both new and old is a great goal, and it can start with your conversations. Below are five tips for those of us frustrated with small talk.

Skip the weather. As tempting as it may be to springboard off the weather, this can lead you down the empty-conversation rabbit hole and into a twenty-minute dialogue about rain. Asking about almost anything else should yield more interesting results.

Think of base questions. So, what should you talk about,...
3 Tips for Ditching Coffee
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Looking to kick the caffeine? While a moderate amount of the buzzy stuff has been shown to have heart benefits, it’s easy to overdo it or find yourself addicted to that morning jolt. If you’re looking to slay your latte habit, consider the following tips.

Time it right. Quitting anything you’re addicted to is challenging, and coffee is no exception. Choose a time that will support your withdrawal. The Monday your big work project is due? Not the best time.

A long weekend is a great time to begi...
Hosting an Environmentally Friendly Thanksgiving
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Thanksgiving is all about having family get-togethers, savoring culinary favorites, and kicking off the holiday season. And because it is the season of giving, it’s also an opportune time to give back to Mother Nature by reducing your carbon footprint and creating an environmentally friendly Thanksgiving.

Shop locally

You can begin creating an eco-friendly holiday by visiting your local farmers market or signing up for a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program, through which you can buy...
6 Tips for Sleeping Better in Uncertain Times
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Stress is the enemy of restful sleep. We are living in a time when it’s hard to avoid feeling stressed, but poor sleep adversely affects hormonal balance and brain function. A good night’s sleep is just as important to good health, physically and mentally, as exercise and a healthy diet.

From physicians and sleep therapists, here are six ways to help improve your chances of achieving more restful nights:

Stick to a routine. Going to bed at the same time each night helps prepare your body for s...
How to Protect Your Pet From Common Dangers in Your Home
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Like most pet owners, you probably think of your furry friend as a member of the family. You most likely know that animals are curious and can get into all sorts of things they shouldn’t. Here are some ways to keep your pet safe.

Don’t Let Your Pet Eat or Chew on Things It Shouldn’tYour trash cans may contain pieces of food, packaging, chemicals, and other objects that can be poisonous to pets or can cause choking or digestive problems. To protect your pet from any potential danger, keep trash...
How to Care for Your Pet When Traveling
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Summer is an ideal season for traveling and seeing new sights. But before you leave home, you’ll need to make some important decisions regarding the care of your pets. Consider these ways for keeping your feline, canine, or other pets safe and happy during your trip.

Leave your pet at home

One choice is to travel without your pet and leave them in another’s care while you are away. If you decide not to bring your pet with you, consider these tips.

Enlist helpIf you have family and friends near...
4 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Stress. We all have it. Whether it’s work, your health, raising a family or sifting through bills, stress and anxiety will almost always follow you. But just as important as it is to deal with the things in life that cause the stress, it is also vital that you help yourself by finding ways to promote relaxation for your mind and your body. Here are four simple ways you can reduce the daily stressors in your life. 

Get PhysicalDoing something active, whether it be a morning workout or a walk at...
Michael McDonnell
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