4 Tips to Masterfully Declutter Your Wardrobe

A well-decluttered home can bring a sense of peace and order to even the busiest person’s lifestyle. Unfortunately for self-identifying clutter bugs, the reverse holds true. If you are ready to get to work on your home and declutter your piles of clothes, there are a few tried-and-true tips you should have in your arsenal.


Use the Shopping Test
It can be hard to determine what to cull and what to keep when decluttering. Sentimentality can make it even more complicated. If you’re wavering on what to do with that purple sweater you wore to last year’s ice skating date, try to eliminate some of the sentiment by imagining you are shopping. Ask yourself if you would buy this item today in a store. If not, it may be time to say goodbye.

Wear It for a Day
Everyone has one or two clothing pieces that make the cut through multiple decluttering sessions but still are rarely worn. If you find yourself coming across one of these items, wear it for a full day. While you are out and about, you can determine if it’s truly a comfortable and flattering item. Chances are, you will find out why you have been avoiding it since your last wear and can confidently part with it.

Ditch the Ambition-Wear
Clothing items that don’t work with your current lifestyle may be kept simply out of ambition. You may hope you will finally become a “dress person.” You may be hanging onto your business wear though you’ve stopped working in an office or may be keeping clothing from before a weight gain. Avoid keeping items that don’t sync with your current lifestyle. This can be the biggest factor in feeling like you “have nothing to wear” and can cause frustration. Save room in your closet for clothing that you will reach for every morning.

Don’t Fear the Small Wardrobe
Often, if you have an overwhelming amount of clothing, there are a lot of items you won’t feel confident about. Don’t be afraid to re-home all of those items, even if the end result is a seemingly-minuscule remaining wardrobe. It can be tempting to keep unbecoming outfits simply out of fear that you may need it later. Realistically, you likely only wear 20 percent of your wardrobe regularly, so don’t be afraid to cull a significant amount. It may feel shocking to part with so much, but you’re unlikely to miss it.

Decluttering your wardrobe can feel like an insurmountable task, but with a little dedication and these tips, you can pair down your clothing items and have an organized closet in no time.

Michael McDonnell
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