5 Tips to Host a Successful Yard Sale

From the outside looking in, yard sales can often seem like quite a bit of work. Although hosting a yard sale does require some level of effort, a little organization can make all the difference. Not only will it force you to get rid of unwanted goods, it can help you earn a few extra dollars—a definite win-win! Use these five tips to help you throw a successful and stress-free summer yard sale.


Prep and price
Organization is a must! Over the course of two to three weeks, pull out all items that you’re interested in selling. Create an area in your house where you can easily lay out, visualize, and price all items. When it comes to pricing, try to utilize the general rule of 50-30-10: 50 percent of the retail cost for almost-new items, 30 percent of the cost for slightly used items, and 10 percent of the cost for used items.

Location, location, location
Location can either make or break a yard sale. The event will be more successful if you live on a well-traveled street with ample parking. However, if this isn’t the case for you, not to worry! Ask either a friend or a family member that lives in an ideal location if you’d be able to use their space. If they give you the go ahead, split the profit or make it multi-family yard sale with even more goods to sell!

Set the date
Between the warm weather and vacation time, the summer months provide the perfect foundation for a yard sale. When it comes to picking the day, a weekend will receive more foot traffic than a weekday. Since Sundays are typically spent with families, consider selecting a Saturday. Be prepared to wake up early! Frequent yard sale shoppers are used to perusing for deals as soon as the sun comes up. Since Mother Nature is highly unpredictable, remember to set a rain date just in case.


Yard sale sign


Get the word out
Nobody will know that you’re hosting a yard sale unless you advertise. It’s advantageous to display clear and concise signage. Include the location, date and time, and the hot ticket items to be sold. Be conscious of city regulations when strategizing where to hang the signs. Consider large neighborhoods, busy intersections, and popular shopping centers. Also, morning-of signage will be needed for both the street corner and yard. In addition to hanging physical signs, be sure to advertise in the local newspaper and online as well.


Garage sale with items priced and displayed on a table


The day is finally here! Although throwing all of your items in boxes and calling it a day would be extremely easy, it’ll make selling everything much more challenging. Instead, group the items by category, and spread them out on tables. It’s best to have everything at eye level so buyers don’t have to search through multiple boxes. Each category should be appropriately labeled and priced with either a sign or stickers. You can also utilize portable clothing racks to hang your items. Not only is it easier for buyers to see all of the clothing, you won’t have to refold the items the morning of.

This summer, put these tips into action and host a lucrative yard sale without the fuss. Remember—one person’s trash is another person’s treasure!


Michael McDonnell
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