Set a Spark this Valentine's Day
CENTURY 21 Select Group 7 months ago

Whether you’re celebrating with your significant other or your gal pals, Valentine’s Day is all about the love. If you’re racking your brain for a non-traditional way to celebrate, grab your special someone, and cozy up by the fireplace for a night that no one will forget!

Create a welcoming ambiance.Invite your significant other into a warm and cozy atmosphere. Lay your favorite blanket in front of the fire, dim the lights, crank up your favorite tunes, and light a couple of candles. The more...
How to Start a New Exercise Program and Stick to It!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 7 months ago

It’s easy to get excited about the idea of working out but soon find yourself feeling discouraged and overwhelmed. Having the right mindset and realistic expectations can help you succeed at a new exercise program.

Why Do You Want to Work out?The reason why you exercise will determine whether you’ll stick with it. Internal motivation is more likely to lead to long-term success than motivation based on external factors. If you want to get in shape to look good at the beach or at your friend’s we...
10 Items You Can Declutter Right Away
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

Clutter is the bane of a well-curated home. It’s all too easy to let unnecessary objects pile up in your home. These 10 items are so easy to say goodbye to, you won’t believe you ever let them stay in your home in the first place!

Expired Toiletries

Makeup, lotions, and other toiletries can begin to harvest bacteria and simply go bad as time goes on. Toss expired or old items lurking in your bathroom drawer.

Old Spices

Spices lose their flavor and potency as time goes on. If you sniff your spic...
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking on a DIY Project
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

If you’re handy around the house, the thought of tackling a variety of home improvement projects with your own two hands might have crossed your mind a time or two.

But before you dig into a DIY project, it’s important to consider some factors beyond your ability to do the job right. You’ll also want to consider the cost of all the tools and materials needed, as well as the amount of time you’ll need to devote to the project.

Here are four important questions to ask yourself before attacking a...
Home Security Tips
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

There are so many ways to keep your home safe and secure. From basic practices to high-tech gadgets, certain measures can ensure that you feel comfortable both in your home and when you're away. Here are five things to keep in mind.

Locks and Entry Points

Install sturdy deadbolt locks on all exterior doors. Make sure you use them consistently. Consider reinforced strike plates and long screws for stronger door frames. Secure any sliding doors with a bar or rod in the track, as this will help pr...
How to Choose the Right Pet
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

Are you thinking about getting a pet? Owning and taking care of an animal is a huge commitment filled with responsibilities and expenses. Some pets more so than others. Although you or a family member may have a particular animal in mind, the American Veterinary Medical Association suggests you consider the following to help ensure you choose the right pet for your household and circumstances:

Do you already have a pet? If so, will your current pet accept another pet of the same or a different...
9 Tips to Help You Control Your Spending
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

Let’s be honest: Spending money can sometimes be too easy for our own good. With a few purchases here, a few purchases there, bills and receipts add up quickly, and before we know it­–poof!–it seems like our money has disappeared.

Only it wasn’t a magic trick; it was likely a lack of self-control, financial awareness, or both. If you find this disappearing act happening often or simply want to start saving more money, try these nine tips from American Consumer Credit Counseling to help you reig...
Michael McDonnell
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