How to Clean Your Air Conditioner Yourself
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 weeks ago

If you don't clean your outdoor air conditioner unit often enough, debris will block the airflow and the unit will release it more slowly.  Then, the air conditioner will take longer to cool your home, forcing you to turn the temperature lower and lower.  Getting your air conditioner professionally cleaned is expensive, but you can do it yourself to save money! 

Gather the proper tools.

Look into your air conditioner’s manufacturing information. It’ll list recommendations for the brand or style...
Renovations, Good for Resale?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 month ago

A recent issue of the well-respected trade publication/platform Remodeling reported on the top 23 major home remodeling projects. In fact, five of these renos offered more than 100% return on investment for homeowners. Here are five of the more interesting projects from the analysis for homeowners to think about:

HVAC conversion — While electric heat pumps are not the most glamorous, homeowners are converting their fossil-fuel-burning furnaces to this style. Heat pumps not only heat a home but...
Sell Faster with These Small Projects
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 months ago

Small renovation projects can instantly take your home to the next level when trying to sell. Take some time on the weekend to accomplish these mini renovations that can be done in just a few hours. Your space will wow potential buyers in no time!

As easy as it is to get comfortable with the little annoyances, like a creaky door, they will stand out immediately to buyers and suggest that you might not be maintaining the house well in other areas, too. These simple projects can be done in no tim...
Are Medicine Cabinets Back?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 months ago

Whether you are planning a complete renovation or looking to update a few elements of your existing bathroom space, you will want to consider adding a mirrored medicine cabinet. While some may think the mirror is outdated, the modern medicine cabinet is returning with more style and greater functionality to complement any space. There are two installation options.

The first is to recess the cabinet into the wall. You'll need to create the space if one does not already exist. Generally speaking,...
Interior Decorating Trends We Are Leaving Behind
CENTURY 21 Select Group 5 months ago

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and for some of you it would be hard to part with a beloved Tiffany-style lamp that has long passed its decorative prime. Maybe it has sentimental value, and if that's the case, in your eyes Tiffany is timeless and will never go out of style. Certainly, it can be artfully blended with other decorative elements to make it look colorful and interesting.

All whites and grays

In a recent 1stDibs on-trend hues report, white received the largest decline (down 10...
10 Items You Can Declutter Right Away
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

Clutter is the bane of a well-curated home. It’s all too easy to let unnecessary objects pile up in your home. These 10 items are so easy to say goodbye to, you won’t believe you ever let them stay in your home in the first place!

Expired Toiletries

Makeup, lotions, and other toiletries can begin to harvest bacteria and simply go bad as time goes on. Toss expired or old items lurking in your bathroom drawer.

Old Spices

Spices lose their flavor and potency as time goes on. If you sniff your spic...
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking on a DIY Project
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

If you’re handy around the house, the thought of tackling a variety of home improvement projects with your own two hands might have crossed your mind a time or two.

But before you dig into a DIY project, it’s important to consider some factors beyond your ability to do the job right. You’ll also want to consider the cost of all the tools and materials needed, as well as the amount of time you’ll need to devote to the project.

Here are four important questions to ask yourself before attacking a...
Michael McDonnell
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